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Worshiping Jesus Christ, Living in His Truth, & Blessing others in His Name.
How to have groceries delivered with Raley's eCart
Raley’s allow you to shop online, via their website or from their app that is free to download in your app store. You can choose either the “pick up” or “delivery” option.
Pick-up enables you to drive to the store, call or text when you arrive, and they’ll bring the groceries to your car. This is all done for an additional fee of $5.95, unless your order is over $100 then that fee is waved. With the pick-up option, you can choose to pay ahead of time by entering your card information into the website or the simpler option is to simply pay when they bring the groceries to your car. You just hand them your card and they are able to process it at your card.
Delivery gets the groceries to your doorstep for a delivery fee of $6.95.
1a) If you are downloading the app on your phone it looks like this red icon.

Click either Pick-up or Delivery
2) Next:

3) Next:

enter your zip code, hit enter, and then select your store.
Now you can start shopping. Enter item names into the box that says “what can we help you find” then push enter
4) As an example I entered, Bread. Click enter

Click enter.
5) All of the bread that is available will come up. Scroll down and click the plus sign next to whatever kind you would like. The add-to-cart/plus-sign is located underneath each item.

You can see here, underneath the first bread option it says “1” with a plus to the right and a minus to the left. You can hit the plus sign to increase the amount and the minus to decrease the amount you would like.
After you have your bread, click the magnifying glass button on the top right (search button) to return to the homescreen so you can search for more items to add to your cart.
6) After you have everything you want, click the top right button that looks like a basket. It will take you to the next screen.

Here is your “cart” you can see all of the items you’ve added. You can delete something by clicking the “x” to the left of the item.
If you forgot something just click the search button top right (magnifying glass) and type in whatever you forgot.
Once you have everything, click the “reserve a time slot” in grey on the bottom right (this applies to either pickup or delivery) It will take you to the next screen.
7) Once you have everything, click the “reserve a time slot” in grey on the bottom right (this applies to either pickup or delivery) It will take you to the next screen.

Choose the day and the time. Once you click the time you want it will automatically take you to the next screen.
8) This screen tells you your total.

Once you click check out it will take you to a page to “create an account”. See below.
9) This is the "create an account" page

Click the register button in gold to the top right and then fill out the information.
It will ask you to enter your email address, to create a password and to enter your home address and phone number. It will also ask you to enter a “something extra number” The “something extra” program is simply a rewards program that Raley’s has that each time you shop there they give you points that you can use for money off your bill in the future.
The simplest thing to do is enter your 10 digit phone number as your “something extra” number.
Click the create account button at the bottom of the page when done.
10) It will say that an account can take up to 24 hours to create. However, I just created a new account and it immediately let me sign in and use it.

Click login and try to login using the email and password you just entered.
11) You're almost done. Choose your payment method. If you’re doing pick up you can just choose one of the pay at pick up options. If you’re doing delivery your only option is to pay with your card ahead of time. Click that option and it will prompt you to enter your card info.

Click login and try to login using the email and password you just entered.
12) You'll finally be brought to this screen.

Last thing to do is scroll down and click “place order” in grey.
Once your order is placed you’ll get an email confirming your order. If you choose the pick up option, simply drive to the store at the time you chose and there will be 2 designated parking areas with metal signs that say “raley ecart” on that sign it gives you the number to text or call when you have arrived and they’ll bring them out. If you go to the Oakdale Raleys the number is: 209.840.0030
This guide was put together by St Matthias parishioner Heather Crooker.