Saint Matthias Anglican Church - Oakdale CA Churches St Matthias St. Matthias Anglican Church St Matthias Anglican Church
St. Matthias Saint Matthias St Matthias St. Matthias Anglican Saint Matthias Anglican St Matthias Anglican St. Matthias Episcopal Saint Matthias Episcopal St Matthias Episcopal
Worshiping Jesus Christ, Living in His Truth, & Blessing others in His Name.
This group will gather before worship on Sundays from 8:30-9:15 am in the Parish Hall for 4 consecutive Sundays beginning July 28 (childcare provided).
Space in this discussion group is limited, so priority will be given to those who are seeking confirmation this September or who are new to Anglicanism in the past 2 years. If neither of these apply to you, we still invite you to sign up for the waiting list.
There are a variety of ways you can purchase The Anglican Way text.
1. We will have paperbacks on sale at Church for $13 (compared to $16 from Amazon). These can be purchased by cash/check or with a credit card here.
2. You can purchase a digital copy yourself through Amazon Kindle for $9.99
3. The Audiobook can be purchased via audible for $17.99 or for free (if you've never had an audible membership, your first book with is free; just cancel before 30 days)
The dates for the book club will be July 28, August 4, August 11, & August 18. Also, if you would still like to listen to Anglicanism 102, the course audio and handouts are available here.