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Tentative Class Schedule

Class One

History: of the Relationship between the Church & Science (Early Church through 1900)


Class Two

Historical Rise of Creationism in America (1900 to the Present)


Examining the difference between Scientific Hypothesis, Theory, Law, & Model


Introduction of Six Models for Interpreting the Scientific Findings on Origins

Scientific Findings on the Origin of the Universe


Class Three

Scientific Findings on the Origin of Life


Interpreting Genesis 1

Class Four

Scientific Findings on the Origin of the Species


Interpreting Genesis 1-2

Class Five

Scientific Findings on the Origin of Humans


Interpreting Romans & James


Re-imagining the Doctrines of Original Sin & the Fall


Implications of the Origins debate for the Great Commission

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Audio for classes 2-5 will NOT be published on youtube.  Register below to attend.  

Listen to a Sermon

Radical? (Luke 9:51-62, Galatians 5:1, 13-25) - Father John Roberts
00:00 / 00:00

Physical Address: 107 S First Avenue ∙  Mailing Address: P.O. Box 26, Oakdale, California 95361  ∙  209.847.2012

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