Saint Matthias Anglican Church - Oakdale CA Churches St Matthias St. Matthias Anglican Church St Matthias Anglican Church
St. Matthias Saint Matthias St Matthias St. Matthias Anglican Saint Matthias Anglican St Matthias Anglican St. Matthias Episcopal Saint Matthias Episcopal St Matthias Episcopal
Worshiping Jesus Christ, Living in His Truth, & Blessing others in His Name.

This course is an in-depth exploration of both what Christians believe & how to live as a follower of Christ, and also includes an overview of the Bible. This class is intended to provide a safe environment to ask questions about faith & theology. Each class lasts 75-90 minutes. Make up materials are available if a class is missed.
Week 1 (6/6)
God the Father
Overview of Old Testament
Week 2 (6/13)
God the Son
Overview of Gospels
Week 3 (6/20)
God the Holy Spirit
The Church
Week 4 (6/27)
Baptism & Conversion
Overview of New Testament
Week 5 (7/5*)
Exploring the Lord's Prayer
*Meeting Thursday to accommodate July 4th
Week 6 (7/11)
Exploring Righteousness